Family time!

I wanted to share some tips with you to make your preparation for your family session a breeze.

  1. Don't be afraid to reach out to your photographer and ask questions. If there is anything you're unsure about, get in touch. I would hate for you to be stuck on something and not get in touch.

2. Please don't be stressed about this kids not looking at the camera. I know how kids can be, I have photographed so many families. Try and remain calm and in the moment, I will become friends with the kids and have them work with me. All I encourage, is for you to turn up to your session with an open mind and as relaxed as possible. Let your hair down and have some fun together. Be present with each other and in the moment. Please don’t stress over your children looking at the camera, just love each other and soak it all in, there is always beauty in the chaos. 

3. My sessions are held at sunrise or sunset, the reason being is that the lighting is much soft & flattering. During the day can be extremely harsh, causing people to be squinting in the photos and shadows in places you don't want them. For me, I personally prefer the golden light during sunset.

4. Get the children excited. Don't get them to practice their best smiles, or tell them that they have to get ready to look at the camera. I would explain to the kids that we are going to play outside and explore while spending time together. In your questionnaire that you will have filled out, I will ask what things your kids are in too, and I will chat about this with them during our session. This will usually get them smiling and laughing naturally. I'm sure that any parent knows, as soon as you ask a child to smile at the camera, its all downhill from there, so I try to avoid this.

5. If you want to bring props, do so! Hats, blankets, flowers, these all make for beautiful images. Bunches of flowers are always a great one. If Dad likes to have a beer, bring some of those too! Whatever makes the family comfortable.

6. If you're worried about what to wear for your session, please get in touch. I know it can sometimes be stressful for families if they are not organised, so don't leave it to last minute. Once you have booked in your session, start thinking about what your family will wear. I have my client wardrobe available for all of my sessions to try and take the pressure off. Try to choose a colour palette of around 3/4 colours and mix them throughout. Try and stick with neutral colours and avoid anything too bright or with big logos on it. Please reach out if you need help.

7. If you would like to have your furry babies included in the images, let me know! I love having the whole family included in the images.

